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Introducing Wordtune Read

November 14, 2021
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AI21 Labs newest product joins its writing counterpart to tackle information overload & help everyone read more productively

We are so excited to welcome our newest product, Wordtune Read, to the Wordtune family! A year ago we launched Wordtune to empower people across backgrounds, nationalities and industries to write with more confidence and ease. And now with Wordtune Read we hope to do the same for reading! Our mission at AI21 Labs is to fundamentally reimagine the way people write and read, so we thought it was high time to share our vision for the reading part of that equation. 

Underpinned by our sophisticated language models, Wordtune Read was specifically designed to help professionals across a range of industries and academia navigate the issue of information overload. Wordtune Read analyzes and summarizes a document within seconds, enabling anyone to read long and complex text faster and more efficiently. And because it’s built on our powerful AI technology, it’s not just extracting key sentences like other reading tools - it’s actually summarizing the main points for you.

You simply upload a PDF or copy and paste a link of the text you want to read. Within seconds, short snippets appear alongside the text which identify and summarize the main themes of the document and help you rapidly decipher complex language, so you can focus on the parts that matter. In addition, the Spotlight feature can re-summarize the text from different points-of-view, putting the emphasis on the information that you care about the most. From articles to reports to academic papers, Wordtune Read helps you get to the point of long documents, instantly summarizing key information & saving you time.

We built Wordtune Read specifically to make it easier for people to consume information more easily - so whether you’re doing a competitive analysis, market research, or writing an award winning scientific study, Wordtune Read has got you covered.

You know you want to try it! Give it a go:

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