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Is it the end of the Transformer Era? 

June 11, 2024
Blog posts

For the past six years, Transformers have dominated the AI world, achieving remarkable success in tasks from translation to text generation. But their time may soon be up – is attention really all we need?

Like young giants, Transformer-type models are experiencing growing pains – particularly when it comes to handling long texts. 

Long contexts affect real-world applications:

  • A system that quickly summarizes news articles might crawl when handling corporate annual reports.
  • An AI that engages in snappy chat might lag frustratingly when helping with a long research paper.
  • Models that could run on a laptop for short tasks might need expensive cloud servers for longer ones.

This puts many valuable, long-text applications – report analysis, contract review, chat transcripts – out of reach for many businesses. The compute resources are just too expensive, and the wait times too long.

Roadblocks: Memory and Speed

Transformers excel in many areas, but their memory usage and processing speed suffer when dealing with long contexts. 

The primary culprit is the architecture's scaling limitations. Transformer models require significantly more compute in order to handle long contexts, or otherwise suffer from slow inference and low throughput. This is because each generated token performs a computation on the entire context, simultaneously.

This scaling issue manifests in two critical ways:

  • Large memory footprint
    Context length directly affects a Transformer's memory usage. This makes it challenging to run long context windows or numerous parallel batches without extensive hardware resources, making it difficult to experiment and deploy at scale.
  • Slow inference as context grows
    The Transformer's attention mechanism scales quadratically with sequence length, significantly slowing down throughput. Each token depends on the entire preceding sequence – placing long context use cases outside the scope of efficient production.

So you can see that the current scaling limitations of Transformers pose a significant challenge for tasks requiring long contexts. The combined effect of ballooning memory demands and sluggish inference renders them impractical for large-scale deployments or real-time applications that necessitate extensive contextual understanding. 

As research into mitigating these limitations continues, alternative architectures or innovative techniques will be crucial for unlocking the full potential of Transformers in these demanding scenarios.

Jamba: Breaking Through the Bottleneck

This is where AI21 Labs' Jamba model enters the scene, offering a solution to these scaling challenges. 

Unlike Transformers that process the entire input simultaneously, Jamba takes a more sequential approach inspired by how humans read and comprehend information. Based on the Mamba Structured State-Space model (SSM), Jamba updates its understanding as it progresses through the input. 

This sequential process allows Jamba to avoid the quadratic scaling issues that cause Transformers to bog down on lengthy texts. Not only is this Mamba SSM approach more efficient, but it’s also more closely aligned to the way human comprehension works.

Yet the secret sauce behind Jamba lies in its hybrid architecture. 

It combines Transformer layers with Mamba layers, along with several "Mixture-of-Experts" (MoE) modules. MoE acts as a team of specialists, with different experts tackling specific parts of the task. At every stage, Jamba uses only the best experts, dramatically reducing computation time.

This approach offers significant advantages:

  • High Throughput for Long Contexts
    Unlike Transformers, where processing each element depends on the entire sequence, Jamba's method maintains efficiency as the text length increases. This translates to faster processing times for lengthy documents or transcripts.

  • Reduced Memory Footprint
    Jamba utilizes a compact internal state that updates with each new piece of information, rather than storing the entire sequence in memory like Transformers. This allows Jamba to handle significantly longer texts using the same computational resources.

What’s more, business executives will appreciate the cost savings: MoE allows Jamba to leverage only a fraction of its parameters during inference, making it significantly more economical than traditional dense models. 

For scalability, it’s all about context

While it's too early to declare the end of the Transformer era, models like Jamba reveal its limitations. Today in our big data age, efficient handling of extensive contexts isn't just desirable – it's essential. Many high-value applications demand processing extensive contexts:

  • Summarizing long documents or entire books
  • Analyzing lengthy financial reports or legal contracts
  • Understanding extended conversations or full meeting transcripts
  • Processing long-form creative writing or code bases

In these domains, Jamba's advantages – high throughput and low memory footprint at long contexts – aren't just incremental improvements. For tasks requiring extensive context, Jamba's approach makes previously challenging tasks both feasible and cost-effective.

Read more about Jamba here.

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